Hamed Gholizadeh, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department of Geography
Co-director, Center for Applications of Remote Sensing (CARS)
Oklahoma State University (
For the past several years, my research has focused on using proximal, airborne, and spaceborne remote sensing for monitoring terrestrial ecosystems. My most recent research focuses on developing methods to link optical remote sensing to plant diversity. In doing so, I bring together concepts from remote sensing, image processing, plant ecophysiology, chemical ecology, and landscape ecology.

Ny Aina Rakotoarivony
Ph.D. student, Department of Geography
M.Sc., Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary, 2020
Oklahoma State University (
My research focuses on the application of geospatial technologies, including remote sensing, in studying invasive alien plants. I have master’s degrees in Environmental Engineering from the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hungary, and Environment, Territory, and Development from Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, Madagascar. I also received my bachelor’s degree in Forestry and Environment from Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques, Madagascar. I have been an active member of Malagasy Youth Biodiversity Network and Teach for Madagascar, and currently involved in Ikala STEM-Chapter America. I am a multidisciplinary researcher, who always likes to learn and share knowledge from/with others.

Saiful Islam​
Ph.D. student, Department of Geography
M.Sc., University of Twente/Lund University, 2023
Oklahoma State University (

Dr. Christian Rossi (University of Zurich)
Currently with Swiss National Park

Dr. Adam Dixon (University of Maryland)
Currently with Currently with World Wildlife Fund

Dr. Kianoosh Hassani​
Currently assistant professor at Bridgewater State University

Nivedita Kamaraj​
​M.Sc., Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Germany, 2022
Oklahoma State University (

Veronique Tessier​
Environmental Studies
Austin College

Samuel Harris
Department of Geography
Oklahoma State University

Kimberly Pan​
Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Oklahoma State University

Makyla Charles​
Department of Integrative Biology
Oklahoma State University